Hi Justin, The 60" is hot of the press, as are the 30" 40" 50"versions. Alan
will soon drop the 46" version.
He has developed the wildthing a bit which now has a straight trailing edge
i.e no sweepback this improves the recovery response in combat maneuvers
immensely. As far as penetration goes I cant fault it. We were flying in 35
mph winds up on the cliffs at the primrose valley modelling week and it was
the best flying ever. May be you need to adjust the c of g or get used to a
little more forward stick on elevator. Incidentally the sharpest and
quickest model in wind was the Mamba - a small flying wing with winglets.
E-mail Alan for some up to date literature. A phone call would be ok, if you
have 2 hours to spare!!! as he dose like to natter :-)
Post by Justin MellorThanks for the responses ...as far as I can tell, the unicorn is just for
electric power flying (any good at thermalling / aerobatics??). It sounds as
if the Wildthing is the right model for the slope, though, having looked at
the website, I don't see anything about a 60 inch version. I did have one of
the original Wildthings which was OK but the penetration wasn't that good
and it used to loose a lot of enery in the loops (perhaps it was just too
light??). Anyway that's in a bit of a state now - one of the elevons is all
warped due to leaving it standing on a wingtip and the tape is all unstuck
from the foam. Anyone know where I could get hold of some more correx?
Post by Terry JonesPost by Justin MellorAny suggestions?
I am after something with a decent speed range, ie something that will
Post by Terry JonesPost by Justin Mellorin light air and will penetrate OK when the wind is a bit stronger. This
would be more for aerobatics etc rather than combat. I have seen a good
review about the Predator (produced by Alex McMeekin apparently).
Post by Terry JonesPost by Justin Melloroption would be the Zagi SI.
I saw a couple of Unicorns flying at the weekend, very impressive...