Help!!! Which JR Trannie??
(too old to reply)
2008-05-11 10:25:13 UTC

I have been an RC modeller since the 1960s (strewth, as long ago as
that!!!) but we moved house in 2000 and, after the inevitable
redecorating, I never seemed to get back into RC flying again, apart
from occasionally dabbling in RC flight sims on my computer, so am
currently a few years out of touch.

However, I have recently started looking nostalgically at my old
models, and - when the wife isn't watching - sneakily looking at the
RC model mags in my local newsagents (unfortunately these are just
under the porn mags so people are starting to talk).

I have two old trannies - a JR-X347 and a JR-X388S; however, the 347
back-up battery (plus the main battery) is flat and I suspect, given
the age of it, the 388 will not be far behind.

I also have an assortment of JR receivers and servos, some late
1990s/early 2000, some never even used. I have checked my Rx nicads
on a cycler and they seem fine - and I have been charging these every
few months.

Given the age of my RC gear, at the very least I really need to buy a
new Tx - and probably at least one new Rx battery pack to be on the
safe side - before risking a model (the RXs and servos, being hardly
used, should be fine). However, RC gear has moved on since 1999 and I
find myself baffled by the new technology - no trim levers and, even
worse, new-fangled synthesised systems with no crystals.

Can anybody recommend a half-decent modern JR trannie that will still
work with my old Rxs?? Would a synthesised Tx work with an old Rx or
are they simply non-compatible?

The logical (and safest) way of course, is to scrap the lot and start
from scratch but it would cost too much to do in one fell swoop.


Nobody Here
2008-05-11 22:58:11 UTC
Post by "KGB" (KGB)
I have been an RC modeller since the 1960s (strewth, as long ago as
that!!!) but we moved house in 2000 and, after the inevitable
redecorating, I never seemed to get back into RC flying again, apart
from occasionally dabbling in RC flight sims on my computer, so am
currently a few years out of touch.
However, I have recently started looking nostalgically at my old
models, and - when the wife isn't watching - sneakily looking at the
RC model mags in my local newsagents (unfortunately these are just
under the porn mags so people are starting to talk).
I have two old trannies - a JR-X347 and a JR-X388S; however, the 347
back-up battery (plus the main battery) is flat and I suspect, given
the age of it, the 388 will not be far behind.
I also have an assortment of JR receivers and servos, some late
1990s/early 2000, some never even used. I have checked my Rx nicads
on a cycler and they seem fine - and I have been charging these every
few months.
Given the age of my RC gear, at the very least I really need to buy a
new Tx - and probably at least one new Rx battery pack to be on the
safe side - before risking a model (the RXs and servos, being hardly
used, should be fine). However, RC gear has moved on since 1999 and I
find myself baffled by the new technology - no trim levers and, even
worse, new-fangled synthesised systems with no crystals.
Can anybody recommend a half-decent modern JR trannie that will still
work with my old Rxs?? Would a synthesised Tx work with an old Rx or
are they simply non-compatible?
The logical (and safest) way of course, is to scrap the lot and start
from scratch but it would cost too much to do in one fell swoop.
I can recommend nothing but the new JR DSX9, being the happy owner of
one. However, you'll have to replace every receiver so might not be
an optimal solution to your problem ;)

Of course you realise it doesn't *have* to be a JR Tx just because you
have JR Rxs? You might have to replug the servos into different channels
if you use, for example, Futaba, but that's not such a big deal. Your 35MHz
receivers will work just as well.

Depending on the number of receivers you have, 2.4GHz is the way to go if
you're buying a new Tx. However, it rapidly becomes uneconomical if you
have more than 3 or 4 existing planes. I only had 3 when I swapped to
Spektrum gear, so it wasn't too bad, but some people I know have 10 or
more and it gets very expensive.

2009-05-26 09:50:07 UTC
For what it's worth I've been flying with my X388 for 12 years now. I'd
advise you to send it to McGregor for a check-up (and to replace the memory
battery) the service was very reasonably priced. I'm a firm believer in 'if
it aint broke don't fix it'.

If you fancy a new tranny then I'd also advise going the 2.4Ghz route and
then go your local model shop and see what's on offer as compatibility will
not be an issue as you'll have to replace all your receivers anyway as was
stated already by other posters.
Post by "KGB" (KGB)
I have been an RC modeller since the 1960s (strewth, as long ago as
that!!!) but we moved house in 2000 and, after the inevitable
redecorating, I never seemed to get back into RC flying again, apart
from occasionally dabbling in RC flight sims on my computer, so am
currently a few years out of touch.
However, I have recently started looking nostalgically at my old
models, and - when the wife isn't watching - sneakily looking at the
RC model mags in my local newsagents (unfortunately these are just
under the porn mags so people are starting to talk).
I have two old trannies - a JR-X347 and a JR-X388S; however, the 347
back-up battery (plus the main battery) is flat and I suspect, given
the age of it, the 388 will not be far behind.
I also have an assortment of JR receivers and servos, some late
1990s/early 2000, some never even used. I have checked my Rx nicads
on a cycler and they seem fine - and I have been charging these every
few months.
Given the age of my RC gear, at the very least I really need to buy a
new Tx - and probably at least one new Rx battery pack to be on the
safe side - before risking a model (the RXs and servos, being hardly
used, should be fine). However, RC gear has moved on since 1999 and I
find myself baffled by the new technology - no trim levers and, even
worse, new-fangled synthesised systems with no crystals.
Can anybody recommend a half-decent modern JR trannie that will still
work with my old Rxs?? Would a synthesised Tx work with an old Rx or
are they simply non-compatible?
The logical (and safest) way of course, is to scrap the lot and start
from scratch but it would cost too much to do in one fell swoop.
2009-05-27 08:48:01 UTC
Post by GerryGerry
For what it's worth I've been flying with my X388 for 12 years now. I'd
advise you to send it to McGregor for a check-up (and to replace the memory
battery) the service was very reasonably priced. I'm a firm believer in 'if
it aint broke don't fix it'.
If you fancy a new tranny then I'd also advise going the 2.4Ghz route and
then go your local model shop and see what's on offer as compatibility will
not be an issue as you'll have to replace all your receivers anyway as was
stated already by other posters.

Thanks for the advice - but as the OP, I asked this question over
twelve months ago and have long since solved the problem - I bought a

Ironically however, I picked up my X388 trannie just a couple of days
ago and noticed that the backup battery is now flat, so it is "now
broke and needs fixing".

I like the JR, so if I decide to "fix it", my two options are
obviously to change the battery myself or send it back to McGregor as
you suggest; I'll probably give them a ring and get a quote. (I do
know how to replace the memory battery and reset the Tx - the only
problem being to track down a battery with "legs"; the last time I
idly tried to source them, they seemed elusive, but a more determined
search on the WWW will hopefully bring them to light).

I don't know how long I have had my X388, but we have been in our
present house for 9 years and I had it a long, long, time before we
moved. I am guessing it was bought around 1992 when I had a
reasonably paying job and could afford such luxuries, which would make
it 17 years old!!!!.

I do remember that the advertising blurb for the X388 claimed it was
"the only Tx you will ever need". Looking at what is available now I
wonder if I can sue them for false advertising. 8^)

2009-06-04 12:02:14 UTC
Post by "KGB" (KGB)
Post by GerryGerry
For what it's worth I've been flying with my X388 for 12 years now. I'd
advise you to send it to McGregor for a check-up (and to replace the memory
battery) the service was very reasonably priced. I'm a firm believer in 'if
it aint broke don't fix it'.
If you fancy a new tranny then I'd also advise going the 2.4Ghz route and
then go your local model shop and see what's on offer as compatibility will
not be an issue as you'll have to replace all your receivers anyway as was
stated already by other posters.
Thanks for the advice - but as the OP, I asked this question over
twelve months ago and have long since solved the problem - I bought a
Ironically however, I picked up my X388 trannie just a couple of days
ago and noticed that the backup battery is now flat, so it is "now
broke and needs fixing".
I like the JR, so if I decide to "fix it", my two options are
obviously to change the battery myself or send it back to McGregor as
you suggest; I'll probably give them a ring and get a quote. (I do
know how to replace the memory battery and reset the Tx - the only
problem being to track down a battery with "legs"; the last time I
idly tried to source them, they seemed elusive, but a more determined
search on the WWW will hopefully bring them to light).
I don't know how long I have had my X388, but we have been in our
present house for 9 years and I had it a long, long, time before we
moved. I am guessing it was bought around 1992 when I had a
reasonably paying job and could afford such luxuries, which would make
it 17 years old!!!!.
I do remember that the advertising blurb for the X388 claimed it was
"the only Tx you will ever need". Looking at what is available now I
wonder if I can sue them for false advertising. 8^)
Ask Macman over on the RCMF.co.uk forums he's a very helpful guy. Out of
interest which FUTABA set did you go for?
Also while your at it you may as well get the 347 up and going as well, I'm
fairly sure they use the same back-up batteries.

